What we think

In this section you will find helpful videos and articles: from how to ace a job interview, to how to listen to feedback.

Danny Wilkinson Danny Wilkinson

The three ‘A’s: mindset of a good manager

These three ‘A’s will help keep your mindset as a manager in the right place. 

Acceptance – some things will just happen. You may not get the budget you asked for, you may not have inherited the team you would have hired, and many things will come out of nowhere or not go the way you’d like. There are some things you can’t conrol and you just have to acknowledge it and accept it. Now how will you take this forward? 

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Danny Wilkinson Danny Wilkinson

The three roles of a manager

Management manuals can be helpful, as can job descriptions but what exactly is the job of a manager. Remember these three fundamentals and you won’t go far wrong. 

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Danny Wilkinson Danny Wilkinson

Struggle with feedback?

Giving feedback is something that a lot of managers avoid because they don't feel confident doing it. Here are 3 ways to improve the way you give that crucial feedback.

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Danny Wilkinson Danny Wilkinson

Managers: be predictable

We tend to think of being predictable as boring, but there are times it’s good.  

The best managers are predictable and here's why. Predictable means your team know what you want and need from them. They can stop guessing about what they should do and start focusing on the best way to do it, their own way. Good for you, good for the team and good for the business. 

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