The Team
Danny Wilkinson
I became a coach because I know the huge impact a good manager can have.
I worked in various roles communications for more than 20 years. Writing statements and speeches for CEOs, talking to the media, handling various crises of sorts. It was ok but when I looked more closely, I realised what I really enjoyed was working with and developing the people and teams I was managing.
Not only did I enjoy it but I seemed to be good at it. I saw a common trend in my various roles: teams excelled, people got promoted and often when I moved jobs, I found my ex-colleagues asking if I could continue to mentor them. So, when someone I know very well said to me they thought I would make a good therapist, it made me think. I realised that there were other jobs out there that could play to my strengths and enjoy. After some time and careful research, I found the perfect fit in coaching.
I went on to study coaching at the highly respected Henley Business School.
Now I’m lucky enough to support new and newly promoted managers every day. Working with them to unpick the thought patterns and habits that can get in the way of their being the best they can be. I know from first-hand experience that leading and responsibility can be stressful, there can be many anxious moments and it can feel overwhelming. It can get in the way of your fulfilling your potential. But it doesn’t need to be like that.
I live in London, with my wife Emilie and my cats Jurgen and Klopp.
Philippa Spratt
I coach because as a client I remember the impact of my own coaching conversations and the difference they made. My coaching style is humanistic underpinned by strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
I work as a Consultant and Coach with SME’s and Charities. I coach employees, team leaders, managers and business owners. My previous work experience includes senior management roles in information technology and business process design. I have a BSc in Computation and a post graduate qualification in Engineering Business Management.
Outside work I enjoy designing walks in the quieter parts of Kent and East Sussex. I once persuaded two friends to walk with me through a long disused railway tunnel and remember a section in the middle where I lost sight of the entrance and I couldn’t see the exit.