Authentic, empathetic leadership

Managers are crucial to the success of your organisation. They are the ones who you rely on to turn your corporate strategy into action and the face of the business your employees see every day.

But so often the quality of our managers will depend on the kind of managers they themselves have worked with in their career. If they had a good one, great, hopefully they picked up some tips, but if they had a bad one.....

This is exactly what we can help with.  

We give employees someone impartial and independent to help them explore how they can continue to keep growing and thriving at work. Through our One-to-One Coaching and Group coaching programmes we help people understand what might hold them back or get in their way and give them the insight they need to develop as managers and leaders.

The ‘Inside Out’ group coaching programme

Our “Inside Out Leadership’ group coaching programme supports your current and future managers by providing a powerful learning environment to explore, challenge and develop beliefs and behaviours.

Our coaching groups become a fantastic source of both support and valuable insight for participants, developing relationships that can continue beyond the formal small-group process and don’t depend on the coach to be sustained. The benefits of group coaching encourage leaders to seek out and create more connections at work. 

How group coaching could help your managers

This is for any manager in your business that wants to learn and improve. Whether it’s someone who’s already made the step up to senior management or you’re preparing them for it, our group coaching programme can help your managers become confident leaders. There are training courses and guidance but helping people to find their own managerial and leadership style by exploring how they perceive, think and respond will help create authentic and emotionally intelligent leaders. They’ll develop greater self-awareness which improves their ability to consider alternative perspectives and think ‘differently allowing them to develop and articulate their authentic leadership style.

Who is it for?

The Individual

Organisations or businesses can give managers tools and techniques, but how they perceive and then react to work situations will sometimes be driven by long held thinking patterns which may not be helpful. We help individuals explore how their beliefs, values, assumptions and life experiences might impact at work. This process raises awareness and helps individuals to challenge their own thinking and develop their ability to look at situations from different perspectives.  

The programme will help participants explore three key areas:

What’s covered?

The workplace and role

This focuses on exploring the context the individual may find themselves in as a manager and how they deal with situations that take them out of their comfort zone. We will help participants to see what may be limiting them at work and challenge their perceptions. Situations for exploration might be perfectionism, confidence, imposter syndrome and having difficult conversations.  

Developing a leadership style

We explore different leadership styles and how participants can start to develop their own authentic leadership style. Looking at where bias towards a style or way of working might impact the empowerment and development of others. Building an effective team vs, a team of effective individuals. Other areas to explore might include, the environment leaders create with their behaviours and effective delegation.  

“I really enjoyed the sessions and found them supportive and valuable. 9 out of 10”

I will take away a lot from this course as many of the points that were covered or discussed, plus suggestions and ways of handling things really resonated with me. 10 out of 10.”

“(I liked) being able to share and work through problems collectively so you are able to get different views or perspectives on the problem. 10 out of 10.”

What are people saying about it?