The three ‘A’s: mindset of a good manager

New to managing and wondering where to start? These three ‘A’s will help keep your mindset as a manager in the right place. 

Acceptance – some things will just happen. You may not get the budget you asked for, you may not have inherited the team you would have hired, and many things will come out of nowhere or not go the way you’d like. There are some things you can’t conrol and you just have to acknowledge it and accept it. Now how will you take this forward? 

Awareness – being aware of your what you are bringing to a situation. How are you reacting to something, why might that be?  Why is someone acting that way? Stay curious about yourself and others. Being aware helps you to first notice what might be happening for you in a situation so you can start to change things up. 

Altitude – being able to zoom out to see the bigger picture. Not looking at one single piece of bad work as meaning someone is bad at their job or seeing one setback as just that, one among a range of pieces of work or efforts that will contribute to success.  


‘Why’ is one of the most important words for a manager.


The three roles of a manager