What we think
In this section you will find helpful videos and articles: from how to ace a job interview, to how to listen to feedback.
The three ‘A’s: mindset of a good manager
These three ‘A’s will help keep your mindset as a manager in the right place.
Acceptance – some things will just happen. You may not get the budget you asked for, you may not have inherited the team you would have hired, and many things will come out of nowhere or not go the way you’d like. There are some things you can’t conrol and you just have to acknowledge it and accept it. Now how will you take this forward?
The three roles of a manager
Management manuals can be helpful, as can job descriptions but what exactly is the job of a manager. Remember these three fundamentals and you won’t go far wrong.
Two ways to stop ruminating at work
As a coach, I talk to clients who can get stuck on ruminating on something that didn’t go the way they wanted or expected. When you feel like that, here are two things to remember:
People pleasing manager? Remember this
There can be many measures for how well you’re doing your job, but whether the team are ‘happy’ or not is a good one.
When I ask clients what ‘good’ looks like for them at work, the phrase ‘people are happy with what I’m doing’ is often heard. Whether it’s the first answer they give or perhaps the third or fourth as they reflect and think about it, it’s often there.
Mistake? 4 ways to move past it.
When we make what we see as a mistake at work, it can feel horrible. Not only do we feel bad because of the perceived error, we then ruminate on it and beat ourselves up some more.
We’ve all been there. You can’t turn the clock back and erase the error, but you don’t have to keep reliving it. How you respond can make all the difference.
Here are four steps I use to help me move past making a mistake.