What we think

In this section you will find helpful videos and articles: from how to ace a job interview, to how to listen to feedback.

Danny Wilkinson Danny Wilkinson

Purpose: what does it mean at work?

Unless you are in a very small percentage of the population and very lucky, we largely go to work for the money. But judging by the clients I speak to, people increasingly want more from their careers these days. And why not.

If my coaching conversations generated a word cloud – ‘purpose’ would be by far the biggest one on the screen.

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Danny Wilkinson Danny Wilkinson

Confident: are you sure?

You may not describe yourself as someone lacking in confidence, but would you be able to spot if you were?

In our experience as coaches, so many issues we come across are linked to a lack of confidence in one situation or another. That’s normal and natural. But often people don’t recognise it, which makes it hard to do something about it. And it can really get in the way or your career.

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Philippa Spratt Philippa Spratt

Promoted, but still doing you old job?

Feeling overloaded? As a manager delegation is key to helping you manage your time effectively. If you’ve been promoted and find yourself still doing parts of your old job, is it time to change?

Are there tasks you could delegate to others? Think about it. Is there something you are doing that is no longer part of your core role? If so, ask yourself this question – why haven’t I delegated this task to someone else?

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Danny Wilkinson Danny Wilkinson

Getting to know your imposter monster

When we face a challenge we’re bound to feel a bit out of our depth. If we didn’t it wouldn’t be a challenge would it?

Whether it’s getting promoted into a new role, taking on more responsibility or working on something that’s high profile in the business, we’re going to feel some doubt and uncertainty. It's often referred to as imposter syndrome. Doubting yourself, questioning that you can do something, feeling out of your depth.

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Danny Wilkinson Danny Wilkinson

I want a new job, but don’t want to make the wrong move

As the job market continues to change and increasingly becomes a ‘buyers' market’ for candidates, I’m seeing clients get more aware of what they want from a role. Or to be more precise, what they don’t want.

They might know their current job is no longer serving them, and want out, but they also want to avoid just jumping to the next thing and finding it's not a great deal better or different. They want to narrow the odds in their favour and become more focused about what sort of role they want.

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Danny Wilkinson Danny Wilkinson

Things I never knew I needed to know about work

I was having a clear out recently and came across some old paperwork from one of my first jobs. It got me thinking about how I was in those jobs. There was some good, some bad but it got me wondering how things might have been if I knew then what I know now.

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