Confident: are you sure?

You may not describe yourself as someone lacking in confidence, but would you be able to spot if you were? 

In our experience as coaches, so many issues we come across are linked to a lack of confidence in one situation or another. That’s normal and natural. But often people don’t recognise it, which makes it hard to do something about it. And it can really get in the way or your career. 

For example, here are some ways that a lack of confidence can hold you back at work. Do any of these sound familiar? 

  • It can stop you being creative - you’re in a meeting and they’re brainstorming ideas for an exciting new initiative that the company is launching soon. You sit there and you have what you think is a brilliant idea. You’re thinking; ‘You read about this recently and that idea you had was brilliant – lets tell everyone.’ Your lack of confidence says; ‘hang on, why has no one else said this yet, so it must be a bad idea. RESULT: you don’t say it and your idea and you go unnoticed. 

  • It slows you down – you spend more time getting things done than you need to. Your lack of confidence tells you that the report needs to be perfect; anything less and you will be exposed as a fraud. RESULT: You spend hours searching the internet for the best possible report structure and the delivery date pushes back. 

  • It stops you from taking opportunities - Your head of department calls you into the office and says that your boss is leaving and wonders if you will apply for the job. You think to yourself: ‘this is a great opportunity and I’ve been waiting for this moment. Go for it’. Your less confident self says: ‘You reckon you can do this but if you go for it and fail, you will be so upset.  And by the way even if you do get it, what if you suck’. RESULT: You don’t apply and someone who isn’t as good as you gets it. 

  • It makes us ‘tolerate’ bad jobs or careers - you may not love your job, in fact when you think about, you spend more time than you realised moaning to friends and family about it. You look online and see some jobs that really excite you, but you think you’ve been doing this job and career for so long you need to stick with it. RESULT: Another Monday and another job goes by.   

  • It stops us from growing and improving – there’s a qualification that you want to take that would open up some new opportunities for you. It really excites you, but then your lack of confidence starts to ‘tell’ you haven’t done any learning for years and if you fail, you’ll be a laughing stock in the office and at home you’ll feel embarrassed in front of your family. RESULT: You put it off ‘until next year’. 

If any of these strike a chord, we can help. We’ve now launched our FREE online confidence bootcamp. It’s on demand so that people can do it whenever they like.  

During this FREE, 12 lesson interactive course you’ll learn: 

  • What confidence is 

  • How a lack of it can show up at work 

  • Why you might lack confidence in certain situations 

  • Our three stage approach to help you feel more confident. 


This course is totally free and there are no strings and no sales' pitch. This is about helping as many people as possible understand confidence a little better so they can begin to stop it from holding them back at work. 

You can enrol for FREE here 


Purpose: what does it mean at work?


Promoted, but still doing you old job?