What’s your story? And how might it be holding you back?

Stories are compelling. Whether it's one on Netflix or involving a colleague at work, we love them. 

Stories are great and it's what makes the world colourful, but we need to be aware that we also have our own stories; the stories we tell ourselves, about ourselves. 

We’ve built these stories up in our own heads over the years based on things that have happened in our lives; the things that went well, went badly and importantly how we reacted to them. Our story tells what we think we’re good and bad at. 

This story can really hold us back because parts of it can sometimes make us second guess situations and influence our behaviour and mindset; to predict what we think will happen based on what we tell ourselves, about ourselves. For example; ‘there’s no point going for the promotion because I’m rubbish at job interviews’ or ‘I couldn’t be a manager because I’m indecisive’.  

It can get in the way of you going for or doing what you want. So what do we do? 

First, notice it. When you feel yourself saying ‘always’ or ‘never’ it’s a sign your story is influencing your thinking. 

Then challenge it. When you notice it happening, ask yourself what evidence is there to back this up? What evidence is there you are rubbish at job interviews? Be honest with yourself. For example, if its true, how did you get the job you are in?  

Challenge it, question it every time. 

What’s your story? 


How do you build good habits?


Have I always been confident? No, so what changed?