Do you recognise when you’re not feeling confident?
Confidence. As you read that word, I’m sure you have your own picture in mind about what that looks like.
But can you spot in in yourself? Or more importantly do you recognise when a lack of it may be holding you back from what you want?
You may not describe yourself as someone who lacks confidence; you’re good at your job, you regularly lead meetings and give presentations, people may come to you for advice. But at the same time there are situations where you struggle to be yourself or you just avoid completely.
Confidence is not fixed. Just because you’re generally confident most of the time, it doesn’t mean you are confident in every moment. We work with clients all the time who are brilliant in their job, but know their lack of confidence in certain situations is holding them back from bringing their best to the job.
Admitting we have a lack of confidence can be hard, it gets confused with competence and it can feel like we are failing somehow, that we are not up to something. It's much easier to ignore or avoid it, but this can be a costly approach, for example: -
It can keep you in a bad job
Stop you from going for that promotion
Get in the way of the career you want
Confidence can be built like a muscle and small changes can make a big difference. When will you start to fulfil your full potential?