What we think

In this section you will find helpful videos and articles: from how to ace a job interview, to how to listen to feedback.

Danny Wilkinson Danny Wilkinson

Support your managers

Companies can spend thousands on gym passes, wellbeing sessions and subsidised coffees but in my experience it's the managers that are going to make or break how people feel about logging in each morning. 

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Danny Wilkinson Danny Wilkinson

Two ways to stop ruminating at work

As a coach, I talk to clients who can get stuck on ruminating on something that didn’t go the way they wanted or expected. When you feel like that, here are two things to remember:

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Danny Wilkinson Danny Wilkinson

Managers: what I wish I knew then

Managers: as a someone who worked for years in various managerial posts and found themselves often anxious, overwhelmed and stressed, this is for you. I’m now a coach who works with managers every day, and this is what I wish I knew then that I know now.

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Danny Wilkinson Danny Wilkinson

How do I get the best from my team?

How do I get the best from my team? As a coach who works with a lot of managers, this is a question I get asked a lot.

Start by listening. Here are two ways to do that:

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Danny Wilkinson Danny Wilkinson

Don’t confuse lack of confidence for competence.

When one of your top performers gets promoted into a senior role and they aren’t delivering as well as you thought they might, it's down to competence; one promotion too far isn’t it?

Or is it. Look more closely.

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Danny Wilkinson Danny Wilkinson

People pleasing manager? Remember this

There can be many measures for how well you’re doing your job, but whether the team are ‘happy’ or not is a good one.

When I ask clients what ‘good’ looks like for them at work, the phrase ‘people are happy with what I’m doing’ is often heard. Whether it’s the first answer they give or perhaps the third or fourth as they reflect and think about it, it’s often there.

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