Time for a new job? Not so fast

At New year people will often take stock and look at what they can do to improve their work situation. Naturally if things aren’t quite right, thoughts turn to a new job somewhere else. But is this using a sledgehammer to crack a nut as my grandad would say? Is it just something about your current role you need to change? Could you be overlooking the potential in your existing role? Ask yourself these three questions: 

What if you could remove some of the blockers - Are there relationships at work that are holding you back and what might you be assuming about them that could be getting in the way? 

What if you changed one thing - What would you want in a new job and what is stopping you getting that in your current one?  

What if more people at work knew what your strengths are- do you put yourself in the shop window to do more of what you like? 

If you or one of your friends feels like they need a job MOT, send them this post, or get in touch for a free chat. 


Imposter syndrome: what are you measuring?


From ‘thanks, but no thanks’ to multiple job offers