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What is confidence?

In our monthly Confidence Bootcamp, we start by asking attendees who they think is confident and why. The person can be anyone they choose, it's what they are seeing as confident that we’re interested in.  

The answers nearly always describe people that either speak up a lot, are successful, or loud. 

These people may well be confident but I’d also say that some of the loudest people I’ve met have been among the least confident I know. And I’ve worked with a lot of very senior successful people who will confidently deliver a presentation to a packed house and then struggle to engage in a small room of junior colleagues. Don’t confuse competence for confidence. 

So, what is it? 

There are many different views, but for me, confidence is about feeling comfortable and focused enough to be yourself; to bring your best you to whatever the situation is, whether it's in that interview, meeting or presentation.  

Pretty much everyone at one time or another in their lives experiences a lack of confidence. ITS NORMAL.  

But there’s no need to let it hold you back, because, just like your skills and talents, confidence isn’t fixed. It can be developed and improved. 

The first step is noticing when you feel less confident. Ask yourself: 

  • What situations make me feel less confident? 

  • What starts to happen to me? 

  • How do I respond? 

Once you understand when you are less confident, you can use that awareness to change things up – to change the way you approach and respond to these situations. 

Awareness helps give us a choice. You can choose to do things differently.