Traction coaching

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You’ve got a full schedule of meetings, reports to write and lots of emails you haven’t read. It’s very tempting to plough on and try to push things forward on several fronts. You may feel like you’re very busy - but what are you achieving? It can be tough to think about your priorities and what to do next. If you feel really stuck and overloaded by your to-do list, try this. 

Step One. Regulate your emotions by giving yourself a break. Take a walk, have a coffee, chat to a colleague, concentrate on your breathing. Do something to reset yourself. 

Step Two. Complete a task to help you get into a more positive mindset. The key is to identify a task that is achievable and something you can finish. This may mean you have to break down a task into smaller steps. A sense of achievement, however small, can help you feel more positive. You may find you are feeling a little more encouraged to tackle another task.